Students, staff, and faculty at Ross Medical Education Center in Charleston, WV are always looking for ways to support a good cause. Recently, a staff member saw an article stating that socks are the number one most requested item in homeless shelters across the country. Because the homeless are exposed to the elements and walk so much, socks are often an article of clothing that needs to be replaced frequently. Additionally, it is difficult to gain access to laundry facilities, leaving the socks dirty.
So, the campus came together and began a sock drive. “As sock collection began, it was noticed that most of the donations were children’s sizes,” shared Kayla Donathan, Career Services Student Support Representative at the Charleston campus. “A decision was made to send the items to the Children’s Home Society of West Virginia, a non-profit children’s welfare organization.” The Children’s Home Society works to promote the well-being of children and help them find lifetime families while protecting and nurturing them.
This was the first time that the campus has participated in a drive like this, but it won’t be the last. Students, staff, and faculty were excited to donate such important items to local kids. With back to school season rapidly approaching, they knew the need would be high for this basic clothing item. After two weeks of donations, over 50 pairs of socks were collected on campus and delivered to the Children’s Home Society. Everyone at the campus was excited to know that they were assisting children in the area with a basic need that so many people would take for granted.
The Children’s Home Society always welcomes donations and volunteers as the task they undertake is not an easy one. If you are interested in finding out more about the organization or how you can help, visit their Facebook page or their website at