Occupational therapy assistant classes at Ross campuses in Hopkinsville, KY.

Virtual advising now offered for new students!

ACOTE’s Disclosure Statement regarding Probationary Accreditation Action: The occupational therapy assistant program at Ross College in Hopkinsville, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, was placed on Probationary Accreditation effective March 23, 2024, because the area of noncompliance related to 2018 Standard A.6.4 (certification exam pass rate) is so serious that the capability of the program to provide acceptable educational experiences for the students is threatened. The program has been requested to submit a Progress Report to return the program to full compliance with the Standards within the mandated time period for correction.

Study to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant at our Hopkinsville Ross campus.

The Occupational Therapy Assistant Associate of Applied Science degree program can prepare you for the opportunity to help improve the quality of a person’s life and ability to perform daily activities through rehabilitative exercises and activities. Working as part of a rehabilitation team and under the supervision of an occupational therapist, you will find occupational therapy assistants in a variety of settings including hospitals, nursing homes, outpatient clinics, home health care, early intervention, school systems, and psychiatric hospitals.

The goal of occupational therapy is to help clients return to every day activities such as work, play, leisure, and home activities. In order to accomplish this, occupational therapy assistants think creatively to help clients with disabilities.

What is an Occupational Therapy Assistant?

Occupational therapy assistants work alongside and under the supervision of occupational therapists. They assist occupational therapy clients as they relearn and develop typical daily life skills like eating, getting dressed, working, driving, etc. Occupational therapy assistants can be found in a variety of settings and working with many different types of patients.

Some choose to work with the elderly in their homes, nursing homes, or clinics. Others work with children, helping them to expand their skills in accomplishing fundamental activities. Still others may decide to work with patients that have disabilities that challenge their ability to perform necessary tasks.

Occupational Therapy Assistant Fieldwork

Students enrolled in the Ross Occupational Therapy Assistant program are required to successfully complete two different fieldwork components. The first fieldwork experience is a one week full time observation based experience in a psychosocial setting. This one week fieldwork is scheduled during the same month as Intervention in Mental Health allowing students to apply academic principles to real world settings. Once students have completed all academic courses, students are required to complete two 2-month full time fieldwork experiences.

This fieldwork experience allows students to follow and learn from experienced, well respected occupational therapy assistants and occupational therapists. Not only do students build necessary clinical skills, but more importantly gain valuable patient interaction skills. In summary, the four months of fieldwork allows students to apply academic principles to real patient care. The combination of the academic coursework and the fieldwork experience serve as an appropriate starting point for students to pass the certification exam allowing them to be practicing occupational therapy assistants.

Certification for Occupational Therapy Assistant Graduates

Once a student successfully completes the Occupational Therapy Assistant program at Ross, they are eligible to take the Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) exam through the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). In order to be able to work as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, graduates must take and successfully pass the exam.

In addition, most states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.

NBCOT Certification Examination Performance: For information pertaining to the most recent OTA graduates on the national certification examination, please refer to https://www.nbcot.org/Educators-Folder/SchoolPerformance.

Occupational Therapy Assistant graduate information for Ross College Hopkinsville, KY, and Ross College Quad Cities, IA

The total number of graduates from Ross College – Quad Cities/Bettendorf, Iowa, campus for the Occupational Therapy Assistant program during the three-year period of 2022-2024 was 11 with an overall graduation rate of 73%.

The total number of graduates from the Ross College – Hopkinsville, Kentucky, campus for the Occupational Therapy Assistant program during the three-year period of 2022-2024* was 29 with an overall graduation rate of 88%.

Graduate Performance Information

Quad Cities, Iowa
Graduation Year Students Entering / Graduates Graduation Rate
2022 10/6 60%
2023 5/5 100%
2024 0/0 NA
Total 11/15 73%
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Graduation Year Students Entering / Graduates Graduation Rate
2022 20/18 90%
2023 7/5 71%
2024 6/6 100%
Total 33/29 88%

Graduation Requirements, Tuition and Fee

Graduation Requirements

An Associate of Applied Science Degree will be awarded to each student who successfully:

  1. Complete all program requirements in the specified time.
  2. Have earned all credits required by his or her program within the maximum program length (1.5 times the number of credit hours in the program).
  3. Have a cumulative grade point average 2.00 or higher with no less than a final grade of a D/1.0 in any individual course.
  4. Have satisfied the residency requirement.
Tuition and Fees
Program Credit Hour Program Length (Quarters) Tuition per Credit Hour General Fee Total*
Occupational Therapy Assistant 96 8 $411.00 $0.00 $39,456.00

* There is an optional technology kit that would add $395.00 to the cost of the program if selected. Published fees for the program are subject to change

Cohort Rate

Ross College Official 3 year Cohort Default Rate (for all campuses under the main campus of Ross Medical Education Center – Brighton, MI) for 2020 is [0.0].


Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 652-2682 acoteonline.org

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Chana Ware

My name is Chana Ware. I attended Ross Medical In Portage, MI. Ross is an awesome school to attend. They have great instructors, as well as a great staff. They were very helpful and inspirational. I would not have made it without the staff at Ross. And now because of all of the support that I received from them, I can say that I have a great career as a Registered Medical Assistant.

Chana Ware Graduate Medical Assistant student at Portage, MI campus Graduation: November 27, 2018
Alicia Nelp

Ross helped me get back on track to achieving my career goals. They kept me focused and when things got tough, Ross pushed me to keep going and to not give up.

Alicia Nelp Graduate Medical Assistant student at Ann Arbor, MI campus Graduation: March 8, 2019
Tierra Barden

Ross has allowed me to follow my goals with a campus that wants me to succeed. I have grown more confident in my ability to meet the standards of an MA. This is a school that sees excellence and greatness in of all its students.

Tierra Barden Graduate Medical Assistant student at Ann Arbor, MI campus Graduation: April 5, 2019
Kayli Cogar

My experience with Ross was great because I love the medical field, and I learn better with hands-on learning. It is like a big family here. I couldn't be more confident with the skills I have from Ross.

Kayli Cogar Graduate Medical Assistant student at Charleston, WV campus Graduation: February 1, 2019
Trevondra McClinton

What I love about Ross is the program structure, the small classes and easy access to your instructors. Because Ross focuses mainly on your certification, the completion time is short and you aren't burdened with unnecessary pre-requisite classes.

Trevondra McClinton Graduate Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration student at Kokomo, IN campus Graduation: January 4, 2020
Medical Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Huntsville
  • Quad Cities
  • Evansville
  • Fort Wayne
  • Kokomo
  • South Bend
  • Lafayette
  • Muncie
  • Bowling Green
  • Erlanger
  • Hopkinsville
  • Owensboro
  • Ann Arbor
  • Battle Creek
  • Brighton
  • Canton (MI)
  • Davison
  • Flint
  • Grand Rapids
  • Kalamazoo
  • Kentwood
  • Lansing
  • Midland
  • Muskegon
  • New Baltimore
  • Port Huron
  • Saginaw
  • Taylor
  • Warren
  • Cincinnati
  • Dayton
  • Elyria
  • Mansfield
  • Niles
  • Canton (OH)
  • Sylvania
  • Johnson City
  • Knoxville
  • Charleston
  • Morgantown
Dental Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Huntsville
  • Evansville
  • Fort Wayne
  • Kokomo
  • Lafayette
  • South Bend
  • Muncie
  • Erlanger
  • Owensboro
  • Brighton
  • Canton (MI)
  • Davison
  • Flint
  • Grand Rapids
  • Kalamazoo
  • Kentwood
  • Lansing
  • Warren
  • New Baltimore
  • Muskegon
  • Saginaw
  • Cincinnati
  • Dayton
  • Elyria
  • Niles
  • Johnson City
  • Knoxville
  • Charleston
  • Morgantown
Veterinary Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Huntsville
  • Erlanger
  • Canton
  • Kalamazoo
  • New Baltimore
  • Warren
Pharmacy Technician Program Certificate online program
Nursing Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Brighton
  • Grand Rapids
  • Kalamazoo
  • Midland
Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration Certificate online program
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Hopkinsville
  • Quad Cities
Nursing Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Canton (OH)
  • Cincinnati
  • Dayton
  • Elyria
  • Niles
  • Sylvania
Practical Nursing Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Canton (OH)
  • Cincinnati
  • Elyria
  • Niles
  • Sylvania
Veterinary Technology Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Canton (OH)
Business Management Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Hopkinsville, KY
Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree online program
Health Care Administration Associate Degree online program
Human, Social, and Health Services Associate of Applied Science Degree online program
Medical Billing Administrative Specialist Associate Degree online program
Medical Office Administration Certificate Program online program
Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration Certificate online program
Pharmacy Technician Program Certificate online program