Module 6 of the Dental Assistant program at Ross Medical Education Center is taught as a single course for the dental assisting student. The course that makes up the entirety of this module is entitled Dental Radiography and Clinical Procedures. Although just a single course, it provides a total of 90 class hours and covers a variety of topics related to the training of the Dental Assistant.
In this course, students will receive instruction on maintaining radiation safety while obtaining the best possible diagnostic quality on dental radiographs. Theory, laboratory skills, and clinical practice are all portions of this very comprehensive course. Students practice techniques of film exposure and mounting in equipped dental operatories with industry approved structural and monitoring devices. They also have the opportunity to perform exposure techniques including bitewings, bisecting, and parallel techniques on a patient simulator mannequin. Students process film using a fully equipped darkroom or automatic processor. They are also required to mount processed radiographs and evaluate the diagnostic quality according to established criteria as well as retake non-diagnostic films. They also learn about the professional responsibilities regarding the state radiation x ray machine registration certificate.
During this hands-on training course, students will routinely practice in the clinic both the exposing of x rays and the processing of them. They will utilize both an automatic processor and manual methods under the instruction, guidance, and supervision of the Dental Assistant instructor. Students will gain experience with the chemicals used to process the dental x rays, how to handle them safely, and how to dispose of them.
Students will be instructed on the various radiographic errors and how to identify them and their cause. They will also get the chance to practice with digital sensors and their software as an alternative mode of taking dental film-based x rays. During the course, they will perform x ray processing using an automatic processor as well as a manual method. In addition, students will take a complete set of bitewing x rays, mounting them in a minute or less and a full mouth series of x rays, mounting them in three minutes or less as proficiencies for this course.