This fall, students, staff, and faculty at Ross Medical Education Center in Evansville had the opportunity to donate blood to help save lives. The American Red Cross bus was stationed in the back parking lot of the campus. The friendly staff was ready to take donations from any willing students, staff, or faculty members. In order to donate blood there are a few requirements that volunteers are required to meet. For example, the individual must be in good general health and feeling well, at least 17 years of age, and weigh at least 110 pounds. Students, staff, and faculty at the Evansville campus were excited and nervous to give blood. As a campus they donated 15 pints of blood.
As long as you meet the required standards, the process of actually donating blood is fairly quick and painless as long as you don’t mind needles! There are a few things that the American Red Cross suggests before donating, during the donation process, and after donating. Some of these suggestions include drinking plenty of water, getting a good night’s sleep, relaxing, eating a small snack after donation, and more. Fortunately, the American Red Cross works hard to educate donors at the time of donation to ensure safety.
There are many reasons that various people decide to donate blood. Some people donate blood because they were asked to do so by a friend while others donate because they know that someday they themselves or a family member may need blood, but in the end, everyone donates to help out. The American Red Cross has been hosting and running blood drives across the United States for many years. Blood or “Whole Blood” donation is the most common type of donation, during which approximately a pint of ‘whole blood’ is given.
For more information on how you can donate blood visit or the American Red Cross Facebook page.