Mrs. Leyman’s first step was to contact Steven Williams, Immunizations Services Supervisor from the Fort Wayne-Allen County Department of Health, to inquire about collaborating to ensure the success of this mission. Mr. Williams conveyed great enthusiasm concerning the idea and agreed with the plan to join forces. Therefore, the Fort Wayne campus had the exciting opportunity to partner with the Allen County Department of Health to promote immunization awareness.
In preparation for the event, both day and evening students researched the topic and spent time designing creative and informative posters. Their posters were then delivered to the Department of Health to be displayed in their lobby for staff and visitors to see. A special sign will also be displayed giving credit to the students from Ross for their posters. While the students had fun pooling resources to create each poster, they also got to learn about the importance of immunizations for all age groups.
Plans are already in motion between Steven Williams from the Deptartment of Health and Kimberly Leyman, Fort Wayne’s Assistant Campus Director of Education, to once again join efforts to make the event bigger, better, and to promote even more awareness throughout the community. This event is also impactful because it gives the Fort Wayne students the chance to get involved in efforts to raise the awareness level concerning immunizations for each and every age group.