Just in time for Valentine’s Day, and in recognition of American Heart Month, the Port Huron campus of Ross Medical Education Center had the honor of welcoming Mr. Dan Krumenaker, Practice Manager at Cardiology Associates of Port Huron, to share some valuable information regarding heart health with the staff and students. This year marked the fifth consecutive year that Mr. Krumenaker has taken time out of his demanding work schedule to share such important information with the Port Huron students and staff.
Mr. Krumenaker asked the question, “why do you think we honor Heart Month?” He explained that it is to raise awareness and support for women and men with cardiovascular disease. Mr. Krumenaker stated that a lot of research and support has been provided for males with cardiovascular disease but not as much has been done for women and there is now a shift that is happening in the medical world. He commented that more of this needs to take place as “every minute in America, someone’s mother, daughter, grandmother passes away from heart disease.” This statistic is alarming but more is now being done to prevent this devastating health disease. Mr. Krumenaker suggested several ways in which women in particular can prevent or minimize cardiovascular disease: quitting smoking, managing weight, and at least 15 minutes of consistent daily exercise, can all help to decrease the risk of the disease.
Mr. Krumenaker further discussed how important the Medical Assistant role is in the healthcare field and made the comment that “Medical Assistants keep Physicians functioning and on task as well as utilize their ever important computer skills which are a must in this role.” He emphasized the importance of keeping up with Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software as it is becoming more prevalent in medical offices. EMR training is provided during the Ross Medical Assistant program and prepares students for the practical use they will have while working in the field.
The Port Huron campus values their relationship with Mr. Krumenaker and appreciates his dedication to students, graduates, and the Ross program overall. Shannon Cobb, Career Services Student Support Representative, stated, “it is excellent that Mr. Krumenaker is so involved at the Port Huron campus and he truly gives back to our students. He is a very engaging speaker and it is evident with how the students are so focused when he speaks.” As a way for students to give back to Cardiology Associates, they created “best wishes” cards to give to patients that are being treated at his site. Ross Port Huron campus was truly humbled by this opportunity to share this small, but very important act of kindness.
For more information related to heart health please visit www.heart.org and www.cdc.gov/wisewoman. For more information about Cardiology Associates you can reference their website at porthuronheartcenter.com.