The Ross Medical Education Center campus in Erlanger, Kentucky used the month of September to host a donation drive for KVC Kentucky. Headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky, KVC Kentucky is a 501(c)3 nonprofit child welfare and behavioral healthcare organization that provides behavioral health services, foster care, family preservation and reunification, and other family-related services. Their services are in-home, strengths-based, and driven by a focus on the safety, permanency, and well-being of the child and family.
According to their website, “each year, KVC Kentucky serves more than 12,000 children and families in eight regions of the state. KVC has a rich 17-year history of service provision in Kentucky and our work with the children and families of Kentucky is enhanced by continuous quality improvement. We value dignity, respect, honesty, and integrity. We deliver our innovative and effective services in a culturally-sensitive manner, respectful of a child and family’s strengths and values.” The campus decided that they were an ideal recipient of the collected items because of all the great work they do in the community and beyond.
As a campus, Erlanger staff, faculty, and students collected backpacks, calculators, three ring binders, tissues, pens, highlighters, crayons, pencils, glue sticks, pocket folders, graph paper, spiral notebooks, and index cards. “We collected about about 3 backpacks worth of supplies,” said Aubrey Robinson, Assistant Campus Director of Admissions. “I actually got the campus involved; this was our first time. I was trying to find a local charity that related to back to school and found them on the web.” Stephanie Horton, Financial Aid Student Services Representative said, “the students are really excited to support their local community and to help children in need put their best foot forward as they start a new school year.” The campus as a whole was thrilled to help out local children, families, and classrooms in such a practical and meaningful way.