The students, faculty, and staff members from the Ross Medical Education Center Grand Rapids North, Michigan campus were given a presentation back on January 24th, 2018 by Michigan Blood, a statewide nonprofit organization. Michigan Blood Representative Caitlin Gallagher has visited many Ross campuses in the past, sharing about Michigan Blood and the Be the Match campaign. This visit was no different, but was just as exciting for Caitlin and the Ross audience who were engaged and thrilled to have the opportunity to join the Be the Match registry.
During Caitlin’s presentation, everyone present was engaged and wanting to be a part of helping to save lives. Students, faculty, and staff members attending were given information on how the majority of Ross campuses have attended this presentation. In fact, Caitlin said that around 7,000 Ross students have signed up to be a match. From that incredible number, some of them have actually been able to save someone’s life by making a bone marrow donation.
Many students, faculty, and staff were inspired by the stories Caitlin told and the amazing cause. They turned their inspiration into action and a majority of the staff, faculty, and students made the decision to join the campaign and signed up to be donors like so many others of the Ross community before them. “We are very proud to say that as a new campus we are able to join and contribute to a great cause that is known to partner up with Ross campuses,” said Campus Director Amira Curic. “We thank the Michigan Blood organization for reaching out to us and including us in this. Miracles happen every day, and we are honored to be a part of this magnificent opportunity to save more lives.” The campus had at least 30 students sign up, and the organization is also coming back this summer for another presentation and to set up another blood drive.