The staff and students of Davison’s Ross Medical Education Center campus wanted to be a part of helping to ensure that those in need of blood in Michigan had it when they needed it. Ross has worked hard to increase their partnership with Michigan Blood through doing drives at their campuses and inviting their representatives there to talk about donating blood and joining the Be the Match registry. This September, the Davison staff and students once again invited the Michigan Blood staff to bring their Blood Bus to the campus.
The Michigan Blood team was more than willing to join Ross for another blood drive in the community. The drive was very successful. Students and staff of the campus were invited to donate blood and they decided to also extend that invitation to those working in neighboring businesses and the general public as well. By the time all was said and done, every available appointment was taken during the five hours the bus was at the campus.
The turnout was very exciting for both Michigan Blood and the Davison campus! Ross once again did not disappoint in their blood drive efforts. Before the drive, 35 donors had signed up to donate, and they were able to end the day with 30 Successful Donors. What’s even more exciting is that the drive was able to recruit 21 new donors! Also, each of the donors received a voucher for a free pizza from a local pizzeria. Michelle Lambaria-Robson, Assistant Campus Director of Education, shared about the drive, “I am so proud of our campus, there’s a lot of love around here! We sure do know how to come together as a campus for our community!”
The Michigan Blood Blood Bus is equipped on the inside with lab equipment designed specifically for blood donation. If you are interested in hosting a blood drive or giving blood, visit Michigan Blood’s Facebook page or their website at