Each of the Ross Medical Education Center campuses works hard every month to serve and support their neighbors and their community. Occasionally, campuses are near enough to one another to join forces and expand their impact. Sometimes they increase the fun as well by making creating a bit of friendly competition between campus locations. This fall, the Ross Medical Education Center campus in Kokomo, Indiana challenged one of the newer campuses, Ross in Lafayette, Indiana.
In response, the Ross Lafayette campus took on the challenge with the Kokomo campus to see which of the two could collect the most canned food items. They decided to measure in ounces instead of cans to make the contest as fair as possible. They worked together to select the local well respected soup kitchen in the area that they wanted to team up with to help feed the area homeless population a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner. Although the campuses were competing, they were happy that the real winner of the contest was Lafayette Urban Ministries and all the people who received a meal that day!
Throughout the drive, the Lafayette campus collected a variety of food items as well as a few other requested items to help ensure a successful event. However, their efforts just weren’t quite enough to overcome those of the Kokomo campus. “We know that our sister campus in Kokomo did an outstanding job getting food to their ministry, and that’s okay for us to come in second,” shared Campus Director Tim Hula. “Our students who coordinated the collection did a fantastic job in getting all the items in a two week period! Kudos to our four students who took the lead on this project and to all of the students and staff who brought in the items!” The staff and faculty of both campuses are so proud of their students and the efforts for their communities.