By Alex Dagostino
At Ross, we recognize that life outside the classroom impacts academic success. We know that a diverse range of external factors, including (but not limited to) financial resources, access to social services, physical and mental health issues, the availability of child care, and food insecurity can impact a student’s opportunity to perform well in school. We desire to be there to support our students beyond their time in the classroom.
“A student’s success in their given program is largely affected by the 80% of their life that they spend outside the four walls of Ross,” says Whitney Stoffel, regional vice president of student services at Ross, “It is our mission at Ross to not only make the most of our 20%, but to also become as much involved in the other 80% as possible.”
Stoffel says Ross becomes involved in the other 80% by doing two things:
1) Committing to a genuine interest in the overall growth and well-being of our students.
2) Working to build relationships with resource agencies in each Ross community in order to offer our students the connections they need to keep moving toward the goal of finishing their education and establishing a career as an allied health professional.
This is why Ross strives to remove barriers for all students and support the maximization of their potential as a student from entry to completion of their programs.
If you have not yet heard, Ross launched our new student resources webpage this past month. This webpage will serve as a centralized online location for students to access resources within their local communities. The mission of this webpage is to connect students with needed resources within their local communities to best ensure their success and development. Some students come to school with all they need: financial security, a stable home life and good health. For students who do not share these advantages, providing guidance to help them meet out-of-school challenges can be just the help they need to succeed in school.
“Student support services are essential for Ross,” says George Grayeb, Ross president and CEO, “But they only work when students know they exist and know how to access them. It is our responsibility to continually promote them. Our ultimate objective is to empower our students to achieve their career goals.”
To visit the new student resources webpage, please visit
For inquiries, please contact