After you’ve decided that medical assisting may be the right career path for you, the next big choice you have to make is where to go to school to get the medical assistant training you need. Making that decision is a very important one, but we know that sometimes it’s hard to think of all the questions to ask and things to consider. Obviously you want a school that offers a high quality education that will prepare you for your future, but not all medical assistant schools are the same.
We came up with a few questions to help you be sure that you find the right program for you!
Are your instructors experienced?
If someone is given the task of instructing future healthcare professionals, it’s important for them to be healthcare professionals themselves. In fact, as experts in their field, they are the ideal people to teach you how to actually perform the duties of the career that you have decided to pursue.
That’s why, at Ross, all instructors must have at least three to five years of experience in their field depending upon their educational background. Each of them must also be a Certified/Registered Medical Assistant or pursuing certification. We strive to put the best and brightest in the field into our classrooms to train the next generation of medical assistants.
Experienced instructors not only help to ensure that they are experts in the field, but they also are able to offer real life, on the job experiences and insights that you couldn’t really get anywhere else. Although having an experienced instructor in any classroom is important, in the healthcare field, it is even more beneficial.
Does your school set up a medical assistant externship?
For most careers, on the job experience is very important. In a healthcare career like medical assisting, it’s necessary to have some real life experience in the field. That’s why you should make sure that the program you’re considering has an externship experience built in.
At Ross, we know that you want to try out your skills and learn from real healthcare professionals out in the field. That’s why our Medical Assistant program includes a six week long externship after your time in the classroom is over. You will have the chance to gain valuable experience, talk to other healthcare professionals, and possibly even receive specialized training from your site.
Are your medical assistant classes hands on?
As a medical assistant, your career will likely be very hands on in nature. What better way to be prepared than to receive hands on training in the classroom? You probably can’t get all you need from a textbook alone. Getting real practice of real skills is the only way to truly be prepared for your medical assisting career.
Just like with our externship experience, our goal at Ross is to send you into the healthcare field prepared with all the skills and knowledge that you’ll need to be a successful and compassionate medical assistant. That means that our classes include the practice and demonstration of important skills and procedures that you will likely encounter in the field.
Does your school have career support services?
When you first start your program, you may not be thinking yet about your career. But, when you complete your medical assistant training, it’s important to know what your next steps are. That’s why the school you choose should have someone there to give pointers and help provide direction throughout the entire process.
At Ross, our Career Services team at each campus provide support throughout your time at Ross. They come into the classroom and give direction on interview tips and things not to do. They also facilitate mock interviews with real local employers to give you a taste of what to expect. After you graduate, they are there to do what they can to help you as you seek to land your perfect medical assistant position.
Check out the Medical Assistant program at Ross!
We know that deciding where to go for your medical assistant training can be a difficult decision, but we believe that you may find Ross to be the perfect place to achieve your career goals! Check out our Medical Assistant program page and see if our program is right for you!