This November, the Ross Medical Education Center campuses in Davison and Flint decided to join forces so that they could make the greatest impact possible for US troops. They reached out to the American Red Cross regarding the Holiday for Heroes cards as they have done in the past. However, this year they were surprised and excited to hear from Ann Swain, representative of the American Red Cross. She said, “We receive a lot of Holiday for Hero Cards for Christmas. We are excited about this. But during the year there are times when it is nice to receive a ‘thank you.’”
The campuses learned that “thank you” is something that is not said enough to those serving the country. These thank you cards may be given to a family member of a loved one in service, a veteran, a military member that just came home, etc. The American Red Cross is committed to supporting the troops and desires to thank them and let them know they are thought of throughout the year in addition to the holiday season.
Flint and Davison put together a wonderful effort and committed to creating the cards by hand. They were very creative and diligent, providing over 150 thank you cards to the American Red Cross for distribution. Assistant Campus Director of Education in Davison, Michelle Lambaria-Robson said, “I am very proud of the students for taking time out of their busy day to thank those who have served our country.” The morning and evening Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration students in Flint had a chance to listen to Christmas music and enjoy each other’s company during a break that they used to work on the cards. The staff, faculty, and students in both Flint and Davison loved the opportunity to help brighten the day of someone who has given so much.
If you are interested in how you can help, visit the American Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes website at or call 1-800-RED CROSS.