Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination can significantly hinder your personal and professional growth. Here are some strategies you can implement to help you overcome procrastination and help keep you on track towards achieving your goals. Ross College student at hospital desk

Procrastination is a common challenge that many people face. It can hinder productivity and lead to stress and missed opportunities. However, with the right strategies, you can overcome procrastination and boost your efficiency. Here are some effective techniques to help you get started.

Break tasks into smaller steps

Large tasks can be overwhelming and lead to procrastination. Breaking them into smaller, more manageable steps makes them less intimidating. Create a detailed to-do list, prioritizing tasks, and focus on completing one small step at a time. This approach helps build momentum and makes the overall task seem more achievable.

Set specific goals

Setting clear, specific goals can provide direction and motivation. Instead of vague goals like "work on the project," define what you aim to accomplish in a specific timeframe, such as "write the introduction by 3 PM." This clarity helps you focus on what's important and track your progress.

Use time management techniques

Effective time management can reduce procrastination. Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break, can help maintain focus and productivity. Additionally, tools like timers and planners can also aid in organizing your tasks and sticking to a schedule.

Eliminate distractions

Identify and minimize distractions that can lead to procrastination. This could mean turning off notifications, creating a dedicated workspace, or setting boundaries with others. By reducing interruptions, you can maintain concentration and complete tasks more efficiently.

Find your peak productivity time

Everyone has times of the day when they are most productive. Identify your peak productivity periods and schedule your most important tasks during these times. This allows you to work more efficiently and get more done in less time.

Practice self-compassion

Being too hard on yourself for procrastinating can create a negative cycle. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging the fact that it's a common issue and focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on it. Additionally, Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, to build a positive mindset.

Use positive reinforcement

Rewarding yourself for completing tasks can be a powerful motivator. Set up a reward system where you treat yourself to something enjoyable after finishing a task. This could be a break, a snack, or any activity you enjoy. Positive reinforcement can help create a habit of completing tasks promptly.

Seek accountability

Sharing your goals with someone else can create accountability and motivation. This could be a friend, family member, or coworker. Regular check-ins with your accountability partner can help keep you on track and provide support when needed.

Understand the root cause

Understanding why you procrastinate can help you address the underlying issues. Are you avoiding tasks because they seem too difficult, boring, or stressful? Once you identify the reasons, you can take specific actions to overcome them, such as seeking help, breaking tasks into smaller steps, or making the work more enjoyable.

Just start

Often, the hardest part of a task is starting. Commit to working on a task for just a few minutes. Once you begin, you may find it easier to continue working. Overcoming the initial resistance can help you build momentum and make progress.

Procrastination is a habit that can be overcome with the right strategies. By breaking tasks into smaller steps, setting specific goals, managing your time effectively, eliminating distractions, and practicing self-compassion, you can reduce procrastination and increase your productivity. The key is to take action and keep moving forward.

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Chelsea Lowe

Coming to Ross was one of the best decisions I have made. I have learned so much and even changed as a person. The staff makes me feel at home and welcomed everyday I walk through the door. This experience has been life-changing for me.

Chelsea Lowe Graduate Veterinary Assistant student at Erlanger, KY campus Graduation: February 26, 2019
Mary Tate

I really enjoyed getting to talk to and interact with other students and getting to work with my instructors.

Mary Tate Graduate Online - Medical Office Management student at Ross College Online campus Graduation: November 27, 2018
Nucheekee Mays

I only had a little confidence in myself when I started at Ross. I thought it was almost impossible for me to learn after being out of school for so long. SURPRISE! The staff here at Ross had more faith in me than I did. Ross Medical doesn't treat you like a student, but as family. You can feel the love and care they have for each and every student. I would recommend Ross Medical to anyone. Come where learning is fun and exciting!

Nucheekee Mays Graduate Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration student at Erlanger, KY campus Graduation: May 30, 2019
Michael Newson

My time at Ross was a great experience. During my externship, I had an interview at a renal clinic. When I graduated, I began working a medical biller.

Michael Newson Graduate Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration student at Roosevelt Park, MI campus Graduation: November 12, 2018
Jessica Henderson

My experience at Ross has been one of the most liberating experiences in my life. I came to Ross because I needed a change in my life. Nothing else was working and I felt as if I was stuck in a rut, so I had to make a choice. I was scrolling through Facebook one day and the ad popped up… Hmmm six-to-nine month courses? I figured I could do that, considering my excuse had been that school takes too long and I do not have time to balance that and being a single mom. I did my research and realized every job I had applied for fit right into the MIBOA program. I was intrigued so I decided to check them out. When I came in, everyone was nice and very helpful. They gave me an in-depth view on the program and what to expect. They assured me they were a nationally accredited school and their graduation rates were great. I was won over by them showing me the rising stats related to the field and that alone gave me the push I needed to go ahead and apply. I am very glad I did. I had one of the best instructors, aside from everyone helping me and keeping me motivated. The class size was small so I had a lot of one on one, any questions I had I could literally ask anyone and if they did not know they could get me to someone that did. At times it was overwhelming, I do admit, but I made it - and not alone - that is the best part. Soon I was in my last mod and on my way to externship as a proud student of Ross Education Center and now I feel like I am ready for anything. Thank you, Ross. My new life started here.

Jessica Henderson Graduate Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration student at Fort Wayne, IN campus Graduation: February 26, 2019
Medical Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Huntsville
  • Quad Cities
  • Evansville
  • Fort Wayne
  • Granger
  • Kokomo
  • Lafayette
  • Muncie
  • Bowling Green
  • Erlanger
  • Hopkinsville
  • Owensboro
  • Ann Arbor
  • Battle Creek
  • Brighton
  • Canton (MI)
  • Davison
  • Flint
  • Grand Rapids
  • Kalamazoo
  • Kentwood
  • Lansing
  • Midland
  • Muskegon
  • New Baltimore
  • Port Huron
  • Saginaw
  • Taylor
  • Warren
  • Cincinnati
  • Dayton
  • Elyria
  • Mansfield
  • Niles
  • Canton (OH)
  • Sylvania
  • Johnson City
  • Knoxville
  • Charleston
  • Morgantown
Dental Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Huntsville
  • Evansville
  • Fort Wayne
  • Granger
  • Kokomo
  • Lafayette
  • Muncie
  • Erlanger
  • Owensboro
  • Brighton
  • Canton (MI)
  • Davison
  • Flint
  • Grand Rapids
  • Kalamazoo
  • Kentwood
  • Lansing
  • Warren
  • New Baltimore
  • Muskegon
  • Saginaw
  • Cincinnati
  • Dayton
  • Elyria
  • Niles
  • Johnson City
  • Knoxville
  • Charleston
  • Morgantown
Veterinary Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Huntsville
  • Erlanger
  • Canton
  • Kalamazoo
  • New Baltimore
  • Warren
Pharmacy Technician Program Certificate online program
Nursing Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Brighton
  • Grand Rapids
  • Kalamazoo
  • Midland
Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration Certificate online program
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Hopkinsville
  • Quad Cities
Nursing Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Canton (OH)
  • Cincinnati
  • Dayton
  • Elyria
  • Niles
  • Sylvania
Practical Nursing Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Canton (OH)
  • Cincinnati
  • Elyria
  • Niles
  • Sylvania
Veterinary Technology Program offered at these campus locations:
  • Canton (OH)
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  • Hopkinsville, KY
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Medical Insurance Billing and Office Administration Certificate online program
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